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Eye Exams



Kids grow up fast, and as they do, they take in tons of visual data to help them with their development. That's why it's so critical that you watch out for any eye or vision impediments that might stand in the way of this process. Here at Vivid Vision, we understand the need to monitor children's ocular health and function closely. That's why we offer pediatric optometry for kids in Fort Saskatchewan, Smoky Lake, Redwater, Ardrossan, and surrounding areas.



The Importance of Pediatric Eye Care

Why does pediatric eye care matter so much? Life is a learning process from the first months of life. Infants have some limitation in this area because they haven't quite learned how to coordinate their eyes or use the eyes' visual data yet. The more quickly and easily they can obtain and process this data, the more efficiently they can learn essential skills such as balance, depth perception, and physical coordination. Once children enter school, clear vision is essential for strain-free reading, writing, and studying.

Unfortunately, potential obstacles can appear at various points along the way. Functional problems in the eyes can cause strabismus, amblyopia, and convergence errors that interfere with binocular vision, eye tracking/teaming, and other important skills. Refractive errors such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism can blur your child's near-field or distance-field vision, making schoolwork a strain, affecting sports performance, and possibly even putting your child in dangerous situations. For all of these reasons, pediatric exams should be considered an important contributor to your child's overall health and wellness.

When Does Your Child Need Eye Exams?

According to the Canadian Association of Optometrists, young children should receive major eye exams at three critical points. Their first exam should come at the age of 6 months, during which our optometry center can check for basic eye health and function problems. The next exam should occur at the toddler stage; this exam may include some simple eye charts that use shapes instead of letters. The third exam occurs when your child is ready to start attending school. This exam uses standard eye charts and comprehensive eye evaluation techniques. Annual exams are then recommended as your school progresses through the school years.


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